Single phase pad mounted transformer
Single phase pad mounted transformer

Size: 25kVA up to 500kVA
Primary Voltage: Up to 34.5kV
Secondary Voltage: 120/240V
Single phase pad-mounted transformers are made in power ratings from around 25 to around 500 kVA and often include built-in fuses and switches. Primary power cables are connected with elbow connectors, which can be operated when energized using a hot stick and allows for flexibility in repair and maintenance.
Our pad mounted transformer is designde and tested in accordance with industry standards including CSA,ANSI C.57,DOE,and IEEE as applicable.
Design Capacities:
* Size: 25kVA up to 500kVA
* Primary Voltage: Up to 34.5kV
* Secondary Voltage: 120/240V
* Built to customer specifications in accordance with CSA C227.3 and C802.1 Energy Efficiency Standards
Standard Accessories and Features:
* Bay-o-net & current limiting fuse protection
* Aluminum nameplate engraved
* Pressure relief device
* HV & LV Bushings
* Drain and flling plug
* Grounding Bracket and X0 strap
* Parking Stand
* Exterior Finish conforming to ANSI C57.12.28.
Optional Accessories and Features:
Transformers may be provided with the following optional items if specified by the purchaser:
* An anticorrosion skirt for high contaminated areas;
* Load break switches;
* Thermometer;
* Liquid Level Gauge;
* Provision for padlocking of load break switches;
* Stud type or spade type low voltage bushings;
* Load break inserts complete with dust cap;
* Customer stock code and stenciling;
* Bail tabs on the bushing well clamps;
* Provision for a remote fault indicator light;
* High voltage of circuit taps;
* Additional tests may be requested by the purchaser and shall be performed in accordance to ANSI/IEEE C57.12.90;
* Permanent and/or temporary bar coding label as shown in ANSI/IEEE C57.12.35;
* Purchaser specified impedance limits;
* FR3 fire resistant bio degradable insulating fluid LNAN;
* A non resettable device that detects internal transformer faults, incorporates pressure relief, and provides an external
* Alternative protection devices, specified by the purchaser;
The Benefits of JSYW Single Phase Pad Mounted Transformer
JiangsuYawei transtormers have been successtuly exported to severa countries incuding the United Stotes, Canada, Panama, Venezuela, Uzbekistan,Australia,and Bulgaria.
We have sufficient production capacity to ensure that goods can be delivered on time. We have professional after-sales teams around the world, this ensures prompt trouble shooting and resolution of any issues you may encounter.
Whether you are a utlity company, transformer distributor, or builder, you can purchase Jiangsu Yawei's Power Transformer with confidence,knowing that you are investing in a reliable and reputabe product.Experience the efficiency and reliablity of Jiangsu YaWei Transtormer tailored to meet your specific needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
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