167 kVA pole mounted transformer
167 kVA pole mounted transformer

Primary Voltage Ratings: 13.8 kV;12.47kV;2.4;7.2kV;14.4kV;24.94kV;34.5kV;27.6kV, 14.4*16kV,16*27.6kV, 2.4*7.2kV,ect
Secondary Voltage Ratings: 120/240V; 240/480V;347/600Y;277V;347V
H.V. TAP RANGE: 2280-36225V
TYPE: Conventional/CSP
BIL: 30-150kV
Application: Distribution,Ultilities
Power Rating: 167 kVA
A 167 kVA Pole Mounted Transformer is a heavy-duty distribution transformer used to step down high distribution voltages from overhead power lines to 120/240 volts, suitable for large-scale residential, commercial, and industrial applications. With a power rating of 167 kVA (kilovolt-amperes), it is designed to handle significant electrical loads, making it ideal for environments with demanding energy requirements.
Key Features of a 167 kVA Pole Mounted Transformer:
High Power Capacity – Efficiently steps down distribution voltage to lower, safer levels, supplying power to large residential communities, businesses, and industrial facilities with high energy needs.
Heavy-Duty Construction – Built for outdoor installation on wooden or concrete poles, the transformer is designed to endure extreme weather conditions like high winds, rain, snow, and temperature variations.
Corrosion Protection – Features anti-corrosion coatings to extend its lifespan, especially in areas exposed to harsh climates. In coastal or corrosive environments, the tank may be zinc-sprayed or made from stainless steel or 3CR12 steel to resist rust and deterioration.
Large Residential Areas – Powers multiple homes or entire neighborhoods with a stable and reliable energy supply.
Commercial Use – Suitable for large businesses, including office complexes, shopping malls, and restaurants, where higher energy consumption is required.
Industrial and Agricultural Operations – Provides electricity for large farms, factories, and industrial plants, supporting heavy machinery, irrigation systems, and other equipment with high power demands.
The 167 kVA pole-mounted transformer is an ideal solution for applications requiring high energy capacity. Its robust construction and efficiency make it perfect for providing power to large-scale residential, commercial, and industrial areas, while its durable design ensures long-term reliability in outdoor environments.
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