Petrochemical diesel generator
Petrochemical diesel generator

Jiangsu YaWei petrochemical dieselr generator typically includes mobile diesel generators, stationary diesel generators.According to function: common type diesel generator, automatic diesel generator, monitor type diesel generator, automatic switch-type diesel generator, auto connected diesel generators.According to the structure: open frame diesel generator, box-type diesel generators, portable diesel generators.Box-type diesel generator can be divided into: Box rainproof diesel generators, silent diesel generators, super silent diesel generators, containerised power plant.Portable diesel generators can be divided into: Trailers mobile diesel generator,vehicle mobile diesel generator.
Petrochemical industry because of the special nature of the industry, as safety, environmental, efficiency considerations they need high performance diesel generator. Jiangsu YaWei developed a kind of special type diesel generators for the petrochemical industry , this diesel generator responses time is short, start quickly, current ,voltage and frequency are stability, can be very good for the owners to continue to provide a steady power output in case of power outages.
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